Dec 26, 2009

Christmas Vacation 2009

Our vacation started with a 12 hour drive with Emma
and Daisy (The dog did get a doggy tranquilizer. I can't
say I wasn't tempted to take one with her)
Thank goodness for portable DVD players and the
brilliant brains behind the Shrek movies!
(Yes, even Daisy is a fan)
WHAT! It's not Christmas yet????
Okay I can wait one more day
At least there was a white Christmas waiting for us!

"PLEASE! Just tell me what the deer did wrong!"
making chocolate cake with grandma a.ka. "nana"
First time playing in the snow. She fell down.
Not currently on her "to do" list.

"A Christmas Miracle" :)

playing with cousin Sam (one of her favorites!)
asked Santa for a cell phone and he gave me daddy's!

admiring the tree
Christmas morning!
bounce and spin Zebra

Table and chair made by my grandpa Bubba

"Tea anyone?"
Still here, more pictures to come. Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Dec 21, 2009

Family Board

New Header Picture Above

Emma's facilitators at her daycare (The Early Learning Center) have been asking us to do a "family board" for a while now (a year to be exact) and I've finally gotten around to doing it (this is where you should be impressed considering I didn't even do Christmas cards this year)! The boards are posted around the children's rooms at eye level and their purpose is to give them a sense of "home" and security. I had so many pictures it was hard to chose what to put on here! My goal this year is to get Emma's picture with as many family members as I can! Like everything else, this reminds me of how fast her 16 months have flown by. I loved making this. I wish I was more crafty, but so far my only talent is painting Hodge Podge on cranial bands and poster board. Baby steps....

Dec 20, 2009

weekend pics

"Good morning!" We all love Saturday mornings,
even if they happen to start at 7am!
(its hard to get a smile recently, she is getting a tooth, bottom
left. It is so swollen. It looks so painful!)

"Seriously mom? THIS is our Christmas tree??

"Did someone say mistletoe?"

workin' on my words!

Dec 19, 2009

Santa does webcam?

My mom sent this to us for Emma.  I think it is adorable!!!!  Check it out.

Dec 17, 2009

"Now You Know" Stories from a Crazy Mom Part 3

Today I took Emma to school in her foot pajamas.......on purpose! Ha! I know what you were thinking! Today is PJ day in her classroom (sorry to disappoint) :)

Oddly enough with this crazy season, I have been keeping it together. Also, my husband has been a super dad lately. I think my stories are causing him some embarrassment..or fear. Either way, I love it! I'm sure I'll lose my mind after traveling 12 hours to Cleveland, NY with a 1 year with a slight DIVA 'tude, very strong lungs and happens to hates long car rides and a 2 yr old, 52 pound psycho labradoodle. Did I mention how much I love grandpa ("Bubba") and grandma ("nana") Riggs for allowing us to bring Daisy?

Insanity is hereditary - you get it from your kids. ~Sam Levenson

Dec 12, 2009

Random pics!

9 teeth in and working on two more!

The key to any good workout is getting a good stretch
"why do I have to get dressed!?"

"The ultimate punishment, mom sitting on me!"
"hey mom...keeping looking into my eyes...
and you won't notice that I'm pushing the laptop
keys with my right hand...keeping looking into my eyes"
click, click, click
"I'm smarter than you give me credit for"
pure happiness. Its beautiful.

Dec 6, 2009

Dec 5, 2009

"What I did during my Thanksgiving Break" by Emma Riggs

It's called a little self defense! Emma would like to acknowledge her cousin Maddy for inspiration and training. What!? You can only push this gentle giant so far.... :)

Nov 29, 2009

Girls Rule

The poor men that were involved with this years Thanksgiving deserve medals! We were a party of ten. Eight girls with ages ranging from 8 months, 15 months, 24 months, 7 years, 29 years, and more (it's not polite to list a lady's age after they hit 40 :?) and two very patient and possibly traumatized men. We had a blast. I'm so bummed it is all over. My mom was a great hostess with the mostess and she cooked an amazing meal or two for us all. Here are a couple of pictures from our weekend. We had a blast. I loved every second of it!

Emma doing her "I don't like it" lips
cousin Maddy practicing her sprints
Emma's cousin Gretchan (aka Gretchie)
she is the sweetest baby I've ever seen
look at that big girl who refuses to sit in the high chair
because she clearly doesn't need one....
Me and my Gretchie!

Isabelle (Emma's cousin) built an amazing tower that
was quickly bulldozed by two toddlers that will
remain unnamed :)
Emma and her favorite Aunt Kiley. My sister
is the best mom ever. I worship her.
Emma and cousin Maddy lovin' it up
(don't be fooled, they spent the rest of the vacation
as the stars of our very own Thanksgiving WWF smackdown event)
Emma and Maddy trying to work out their differences
over a meal (it didn't work). I do believe this was a few minutes
before Emma's very first "time out"
The word "mine" is now part of this girls vocab and
I believe Maddy now says a lot more "no!s"

Nov 24, 2009

Thankful, Thankful, Gobble, Gobble

Its almost Thanksgiving! I love love love the holidays. We are thankful for so many things including our health, family and friends, our home sweet home, jobs, our freedom, and our steamy hot date afternoons (just kidding. I had to see if you were still reading...wink. There is a story to that comment that involves us seeing a movie, gorging ourselves on dinner, and discussing whether the babysitter would mind if we took a short 2 hour nap when we get home) to list a few. I looked back at pictures from this time last year, and I am shocked by how much my baby has changed and how much older I look and feel. I know next year I will feel the same way about this year. It's going to be my new goal to slow down and bask in every second that Emma is little. It is going by so fast, too fast. So happy happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!! Make some great memories!

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” –John F. Kennedy

“Thanksgiving is the day when you turn to another family member and say, “How long has Mom been drinking like this?” My Mom, after six Bloody Marys looks at the turkey and goes, “Here, kitty, kitty.” –David Letterman

Nov 22, 2009

Date Night

OH! Date night, how I love you! Let me count the ways. 1)diving into a plate full of food but void of tiny sticky fingers 2) sitting in a public place with an empty lap and free from death welcoming humiliation 3) going to the ladies room when I want as many times as I want 4) going to the movies 5) riding in the car, not rushing to get anywhere...... Date night, you are too good to me :)

Nov 19, 2009

"Now You Know" Stories from a Crazy Mom

For this weeks story I decided to pull out one from my childhood. Mostly because I think it is only fair to assign proper blame to the one who is responsible for my insanity (Hi Mom!). This is how the story goes.

Mom with three small children leaves a grocery store. Everyone gets into the family's blue horizon (if you were born after 1980, it's a car, google it you won't regret it). I digress.

Mom: "kids make sure you all have your seat belt on"
Mom: "That's funny, this key won't go in the ignition?"
Mom: "HEY! Who was eating McDonald's in here!?!"
3 Kids: "Not me! Me either! Can we GO to McDonald's?"
ALL three kids begin begging, bargaining and demanding...............

Mom and kids all scurry out, get into the correct blue horizon, buckle up, and get the H%*! out of there before anyone notices.

Its in my genes. Now you know.

Nov 17, 2009

Prematurity Awareness Day

Today is the March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Day. I'm so bummed that Kentucky scored an F on their 2009 Premature Birth Report Card. To check out your states score click here. Prematurity is on the rise and is higher in the U.S. than most other developed countries. Today our thoughts and prayers are with the many babies who were born too soon and their families. Our family is thankful for the modern technology and many doctors and nurses that took care of our baby girl so she could grow and look like this today.

(not a fan of leaves)
Thank you Norton Suburban NICU.
The Riggs

Nov 13, 2009

You wish you looked this good!

Nope, this is not Kate Gosselin! It's Emma eating breakfast watching her current obsession (Shrek). She has the best bed head I've ever seen. There is no such thing as brushing this wild do into place! It will not be tamed!