Jun 29, 2009

Emma hearts Daddy

As a mommy, it doesn't get any better than this
This is Emma going in for a "kiss." Believe me, if you ask for it you
WILL get it. They usually come with a growl, two razor sharp teeth,
a gallon of baby drool, and a lot of tongue...so you have to be prepared.
She takes her kisses VERY seriously!!!!!
Good thing Daddy is a brave man!
Ugh! I love it!

Jun 26, 2009

Summer Fun at the ELC

Thanks to Ms. Amy for providing me with these 100% adorable pictures.

having a "picnic"

going to the pool
soaking in the pool
all the kiddies! Behind Emma is Reynold, the 
object of Emma's affections and open mouth attack
kisses.  We have told Emma she should know a boy
longer than 6 months before giving out kisses.

Jun 25, 2009

growing, growing, changes, changes

I am in awe of how Emma's little brain works!  She is learning and doing new things everyday!  Every new thing she does brings so much celebration at our house.  A little part of me wishes she would just slow down, not grow up so fast.  Here are just a few things about excellent Emma :)

1.     crawling champion! (and creeped a little yesterday on her own)
2.     cell phone junkie
3.     professional hair puller
4.     lover of nectarines, attacks for chocolate pudding
5.     giver of open mouth kisses (especially Reynold in the daycare baby pool)
6.     sleeps with mom&dad; delivers simultaneous head butts and crotch kicks
7.     feeds the dog constantly, puts toys in cage for Daisy to play with
8.    recent obsessions include dog's water bowl and carbon monoxide detector
9.    clearly understand "no" but remains 100% defiant
10.  Weighing 25 pounds

Jun 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

To all the great men out there who are fathers or father figures, Happy Father's Day!!!  Emma and I think she has the best daddy in the world.  

Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, singers of songs.
      - Pam Brown

"A new father quickly learns that his child invariably comes to the bathroom at precisely the times when he's in there, as if he needed company. The only way for this father to be certain of bathroom privacy is to shave at the gas station." 
      - Bill Cosby

Jun 18, 2009

Still loving it!

Emma still loves teasing the dog with her cookie.  It doesn't alway end the way she wants.  Here is round 2 of Emma and Daisy's cookie "talk."  I think the dog is getting smarter.

Jun 16, 2009


What is this!? Emma broke out into a rash following a fever Friday night and it just keeps getting worse. We've been the the pediatrician and they say it is a virus. Well, okay but which one??? Poor girl is not comfortable!  (click on the pictures to make them bigger)

Jun 14, 2009


I believe this video speaks for itself. Note the evil little laugh coming from Miss Emma around the 20 sec mark! Poor Daisy!!

If it makes you feel better, that cookie eventually fell onto the floor and then into doggy's belly. So, Daisy got the last laugh after all!  

Jun 13, 2009

Chewin' and Movin'

Emma's chompers! They are getting bigger by the day. The bottom left came in and then over night the right one popped up! She is growing up so fast.

And this morning she surprised us with CRAWLING!!!  Best Saturday ever!  These were her first "steps" if you will, so she was wobbly and slow.  Just a few hours later, girlfriend can move!  She is currently helping us to identify all items in our home that baby should not touch :)   

Jun 10, 2009

Summer Fun at the Early Learning Center!

These are some pictures that Emma's teacher sent in an email.  Their current theme is the beach!  Here Emma and her friend are playing with sand (aka cornmeal) and buckets.  They also have explored shells.  I L-O-V-E it when I get these pictures.  It makes my day to be busy at work and find these lovely pictures in my email! 

my beach bunny!

Jun 9, 2009

Emma updates!

So it has been brought to my attention by "anonymous"  that my blog needs to be updated :)  The batteries in my camera are dead so I don't have any pictures to share tonight.  If I did have a picture to post you would see Emma with two pearly white chompers in the bottom of her mouth. Gone are the days of gummy smiles.  They have been replaced with love bites and Emma's snake impression (she sticks her tongue in and out of her mouth at lightning speed....I think she is feeling her new teeth).  She loves to clap and has even attempted crawling a bit.  She hasn't mastered it yet but she gets around pretty well.  She will get an xray this week to rule out any muscular/skeletal reasons for her delay in crawling (we think it is the weight of her big ole bootie weighing her down.  

   clapping and doing the snake tongue
We are working on learning the word "no."  This weekend she was trying to climb up the cd tower and I kept interrupting her adventure with a stern "no."  She stopped what she was doing each time and I thought I was the best and smartest parent ever (okay, so she is pretty smart for learning so fast too....I can't take all the credit).  Just when I couldn't get any more smug, my little girl went right back to climbing up the cd tower saying out loud "noooo,noooo,nooo!" over and over.  So now I think, SHE thinks she is supposed to say "no" when she climbs.  BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD!  :) 

Jun 2, 2009

Look what Emma grew!

bottom left incisor down, working on the right

Some pics from our trip!

This past weekend we traveled to PA for a friends wedding.  It was the most beautiful wedding I've ever seen (pics to come).  Unfortunately, the Riggs clan was feeling under the weather and and a certain someone (Emma) didn't try to hide it at all!  Here are some pics of the big day!

Before we even left the hotel room the day of the wedding.
It was a rough start!
Friend Anne and Emma's boyfriend Lincoln
waiting for the wedding to start
Right before the wedding....
(It wasn't looking good)
during the wedding......
(Dan had to take Emma away from the ceremony)
after the wedding with momma
(still no smile!)
Family pic
(look at little Miss Grumpy!)
Lincoln and Emma
(Emma is warning you other ladies, Hands off!)
at the reception
all you gals know it is time to leave the party 
when this starts happening....