Sep 30, 2009

So mom....when you said NOT to eat the dog food yesterday,
I thought you meant not to eat it yesterday.
You didn't say ANYTHING about today?? Right mom?

Well, she said I couldn't eat your food. She didn't say anything about you
eating my food, right Daisy?

Sep 28, 2009

Can you spot the difference?

There is one thing verrry different about the second photo.
Can you see it?

Heaven help me....

Sep 27, 2009

Summer Vacation Pics

These are some more pictures from our vacation this summer. We withheld these so we could print and send to family. And well, it's been over a month so our next goal is to send fall pictures to family :) So it's time to say "goodbye" to summer, and say "hello" to fall, which happens to be my favorite season! These pictures were taken by friend and favorite photog Ernest Fernandez. Click here to check out his website.

sitting on the end of the board walk in
front of our condo
she was not interested in anything
but exploring!
she thought the sand was tasty,
but wasn't too sure about the water

yummy, yummy sand
what do you think Emma?
So the story behind these pictures is that we all decided to wait until the last day of vacation to attempt "family photos"...and the weather was less than agreeable. It was the only day it rained :) I think these are my favorites just because it is too funny! The wind was blowing and it was soooo dark. The kids thought we were nuts!

Who forgot the kite??
"Mom you and dad are crazy"

going for a walk...

Try to get all three of them to smile at the same time!
I challenge you!
It is impossible!
My fav fav fav picture!

Sep 24, 2009

Too Many Hours in a Day?

I can hear hoards of moms and dads gasping aloud as they read this blog title. Calm down. I feel your pain. It's my Emmalicious girl who may be asking this impossible question. Or perhaps the title should be more like "Too Few Naps in a Day" I think we could all agree on that one.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall....

Emma Jabber

Sep 23, 2009

A friendly bet

Daisy: "Ten bucks says that grass gets over a foot before he cuts it"
Emma: "who cares?"
Daisy: "It's hard to pee in"

*yes, I am a scientist, nurse, taxi driver, maid, cook, personal assistant, and an occasional lobbyist who uses this cute little blog to advance her home based agendas.

Sep 20, 2009

The thin line between love and hate

emotions run deep over touching (or rather, not being allowed to touch) the laptop at Casa de Riggs. Outrageous and hysterical! Thankfully, she forgives her daddy in the end and gives him an Emmalicious smooch! **use volume**

Sep 13, 2009

Go Giants Go!!

I'm told the New York Giants beat the Washington Redskins tonight in what was described to me as "the best birthday present ever." His wife doesn't have the same "fire" for the game, but his daughter sure does (or at least she dresses the part).

"Give me a G"
We heard the neighbors might be Redskins fans
so we were all having a good laugh
Going over some potential winning "plays"
Best quarterback ever!
So Emma honey. Did daddy tell you about good sportsmanship?
What if the Giants lose a game?
oddly enough, this is exactly what her daddy looks
like when his Giants lose!


Wishing my husband and Emma's dad a happy first of many 29th birthdays :) We lOve you!

Sep 10, 2009

Busy Emma

Life with a toddler does seem to slow down the blogging in seems. She is just on the go, go, go! Emma is learning so much as she investigates her surroundings. Her recent fascinations include the mini-blinds (as you know), dog food (will this one ever get old?), hitting daddy's TV and the windows with all of her toys (eek!) and the toilet (yuck!). She continues to LOVE playing with Daisy, and honestly I think the poor dog gets a bad rep. Sure she is needy, barks at EVERYTHING, but she loves Emma and plays with her giving mommy some valuable time (these days enough time to fold one load of laundry is a gift)! Here are some pics from some recent "adventures." Also noteworthy is the fact that Emma slept in her own bed all night! (okay she got in bed with us at 4am but that is "practically" all night :)

who DOESN'T love mandarin oranges!!?!!
(she ate/wore the whole can)
practicing with a fork (she can't quite spear the food yet)

first merry-go-round at the Louisville Zoo!
(she wasn't so sure about it but loved it by the end)
playing before "school" today
(she is a wild wild child)

Sep 7, 2009


So now I know how the blinds are getting broken. I did have my suspicions.  It's not the crazy dog after all. Just look at the guilt on her face. Pretty funny.  Almost funny enough to make me laugh about the broken blinds. Not quite that funny.

Sep 4, 2009

When the bully becomes the chicken

Maybe little one will keep this in mind the next time she tries to whip Daisy with the handle of her sand bucket???

Sep 2, 2009

Not a baby anymore

It finally hit me today. My baby is a baby no more. I have a toddler. An enthusiastic and wildly charming toddler.