Dec 21, 2010

The Pink Guitar

Early Christmas at home....

The ONE thing she did ask Santa for....

SERIOUSLY feelin' the groove

Dec 19, 2010

Emma loves Santa

30 minutes standing in line
Emma: "I don't want to see him, mom. He is a scary guy"
After walking around the store (see post below)
Emma: "I want to sit on Santa's lap!!" (she jumped right into his lap)

After 60 more minutes of waiting, entertaining and desperately avoiding tantrums Emma gets to see Santa! She forgot to tell him what she wanted because she was concerned the elf was stuck in the window (because there were two legs hanging out). All she could say was "Santa, he's stuck!" She seems confused about people wanting her to smile while there was a poor elf's life hanging by a thread.... She cried after we left (she kept trying to go back to him) because she didn't get a chance to tell him she wanted a pink guitar. I assured her that he already knew and then texted Dan to go buy one :)

Dec 18, 2010

A Kentuckiana Native

Decisions, decisions....
Making her Bubba Riggs Proud
NOT making her Bubba Riggs Proud

Dec 5, 2010

Sunday Funnies

Emma's personality is growing and boy does she say some cute, funny, disgusting and outrageous things. Here is a list that I think should NOT be forgotten!

#5. She has found a fweckel (freckle) on her hand. She loves it and shows it to me all the time.

#4. Several times I have overheard her reprimanding her baby for hitting and putting him in the finking (thinking) chair. When I ask her if she ever sits in the thinking chair at school she raises her eyebrows, looks at the floor, and slowly backs away. Hmm. I wonder what that means?

#3. A conversation this morning:
Emma: where's dad?
Me: remember he had to go get new tires?
Emma: Well I'm tired TOO!

#2. Laying in bed this morning waking up:
Emma: Mom, wake up. Wake up mom.
Me: (still asleep) What Emma?
Emma: I tootied out my butt, mom
Me: (still asleep) Good job Emma.
Emma: smell my butt mom (as she sticks the proof in my face)
Me: (wide awake). What do you want for breakfast? (because talk about pee, poop and gas is all to common these days).

#1. Background: Emma and her classmates often watch each other use the potty (because it is all the rage), even though they take the girls and boys separately, things have been...noticed. Also, Emma's best friend at school is named Robert. Last week Dan got out of the shower and started getting dressed not realizing Emma was in the room. Emma says, "Daddy! You have a ROBERT!" (as Dan retreated to the bathroom to cry).

I couldn't make this stuff up!