Jan 24, 2011

Recent Emma'isms

Me: "Emma do you want to talk to nanny (on the phone)?"
Emma: "No!"
Me: "Do you want to talk to Bubba?"
Emma: "NO!"
Me: "Do you want to talk to Sponge Bob?"
Emma: "YES!!!!!!!!!!!"

Now you know where you rank :)

Dan: "Emma (insert command here)"
Emma: stands in salute "Aye-Aye, Captain Daddy!" (also compliments of Sponge Bob Square Pants)

Jan 22, 2011

Poopy in the Potty

Emma has been peeing in the potty like a champ. She was too scared to poop in the potty until today! All it took was a shortage of pull ups and a little help from "Llama Llama Mad at Momma"

She was pretty proud of her poopy progress. We danced and celebrated. We called and left messages for our family....and we refused to flush it until daddy got home to see the prize :) I'm pretty sure this blog post won't be cute when she gets older, but for right now, she wants the world to know that Emma poops in the potty!

Jan 16, 2011

Things I've learned as a parent...

If your child is trying to convince you that they are NOT eating Play-Doh and you haven't even asked....they are probably eating Play-Doh.

Not sure? No problem. The explosive and green diarrhea will confirm your suspicions.

Jan 2, 2011

Christmas 2010-The Long Ride Home

A very long ride it was....for all of us! 11 hours people!!

Christmas 2010-Pictures by Emma

A Budding Photographer

Christmas 2010-Cousin Love

We drove down to PA for the day to visit with my family.

Emma and Great Grandma ("Nana")
The only pic I got of the old bird and
I didn't even get a pic of grandpa Walt (boo!)

Mady, Dan, Emma and Kiley
All three take a turn in rocking chair that Great Grandma
has had since SHE was a little girl!
Emma's turn
Wurk it girl (Gi-Gi)
You literally cannot catch this kid being naughty
on the camera. As soon as she sees you taking a picture
smiles and strikes a pose...even when mad!
the funniest, sweetest, sassiest kid ever
Learning to coexist (these two may have irreconcilable differences)
Attempt to get all 3 to smile-Take One
Attempt to get all 3 to smile-Take Two
Attempt to get all 3 to smile-Take Three (and I give up)
(way to go GiGi-the only consistent one)
Me and my sissie. I seriously love this girl!
Can you believe we used to fight like cats and dog
(I'm talking hair pulling and scratching until we were
both nearly 20) It's a Robinson Thing :)

Christmas 2010-Christmas Morning at the Riggs'

Scooter Time
Santa was good to everyone
Emma's baby cradle, mattress, pillow and
blanket that Nanny and Bubba made
"I want to open the ALLLLL"
"Santa" (aka Nanny) knows the value of a dollar

Christmas 2010-The Snow Princess, her Nanny, and her Best Friend

We can always count on Cleveland, NY to provide us with glorious snow! Lessons learned from this outing:

Yellow snow is yucky. Daisy makes yellow snow.