Mar 27, 2011

It wasn't pretty, but I did it.

8 am, 38 degrees, 7000 other people= insanity.

10 miles- official chip time 1:42:17 I think that is a 10:24 mile, a little slower than I had hoped.
In 2006 (pre-Emma) I ran the same race in 1:53:40 that is pretty awesome.

Since I just bragged all about how I ran 11 minutes faster than I did when I was 26 and prechild, I won't talk about how much my ankles and knees hurt......... :)

One final race remaining, the Derby Festival Mini Marathon. 33 days and counting.....

Mar 22, 2011

The last 12 hours....

Dan entertaining while mommy
gets some work done, er, takes pictures

The jealousy in the house was at a fever pitch
Daisy was thinking it was a bunch of 'see-are-aye-pee'
Then after racing Daisy in the back yard, it was tubby time.
Daisy would jump in if Emma would just say the word
Off to school
She walks like she owns the place
going into her awesome classroom
waiting for everyone to notice her ;)

Mar 19, 2011

Mar 16, 2011

Story Time with Miss Emma

Last weekend we were invited to a yummy dinner with our friends the Hills (Emma is totally in love with Mr. Man).

Anne was kind enough to take some pics and video of Emma reading to her beau. He totally went along with it, even though she had no idea what she was saying (like her momma).

Mar 13, 2011

2011 Rhodes City Run-10K

Yesterday was the second run of the triple crown races, The Rhodes City Run! I forced myself to get up and run at 8am with nearly 7,000 other runners. It was a struggle. As a side note, I also learned why you should NEVER work out your WHOLE body with weights 2 days before such an activity as a 10K. OUUUUCH!

I completed the race (without the help of the EMS) in 58:45. Not too shabby. Now I need to get serious, because in two weeks I am registered for the Papa John's 10 miler . Last, but not least, I'll be running the Derby Festival Mini (half) Marathon on April 30th.

Stats so far
5K (3.1 miles)-27:58;
10K (6.2 miles)-58:45;

Goals for future races
10 miler-under 2 hrs
mini- don't drop dead

:) Next year, I will also convince Dan to run with me