Oct 17, 2011

BOO @ the Zoo 2011

Emma attended her 2nd 'Boo at the Zoo' last night. Last year she wasn't that into it, but this year she was on fire! Oh my, what a difference just one year makes! She didn't know quite what she wanted to be, but we recently go into Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (like 10-times-in-a-row into it). She was most excited to get her make up and nails done, because all princesses wear make up. I have to admit it was a sweet mommy and daughter moment. It was like getting ready for 3yr old prom! As excited as she was to go, she did ask if the witch was going to make her eat a poison apple. And as any good parent would, I told her the witch would leave her alone if she listen to her mommy and didn't run away in the crowd. :)

"Snow White Emma" (as she requested to be addressed) at the
entrance to the "biggest Halloween party"
This was at the very beginning before she knew what she
was in for. Also the only time she would really hold still for pictures
Snow White Emma and her peeps
The sucker of her dreams....(from Candy Land)
Run Snow White Emma, Run!
Emma and her Prince, Renny (these two are double trouble)
my very brave (and childless by choice) friend Susan
braved the traffic and insane crowds of screaming, high on sugar,
misbehaving children with me
Who said "big bad wolf..?"