Apr 24, 2012

On my nerves

Today I had my 4th progesterone shot.  Imagine how happy I was to see nurse "I'm in a rush so I'm not going to switch to a smaller needle, and I'm going to plunge that poison in as fast as I can so I can get to my lunch break."  She hit a nerve (literally), and I nearly levitated out of my own shoes.  Luckily, I had the good sense (and Jedi super "mind-over matter" powers) not to drop kick her to the floor.  Interesting tid bit, that nerve runs straight up my back and down the back of my leg.   Next time, I go Kung Fu on her.


Apr 16, 2012

Fun at the Park

This rock wall was no match for Emma
neither were the monkey bars...
feeding the geese, turtles, fish, and everything else
Good bye feet, see you later...much later..
Emma loves "bear hugs"
(at the teddy bear museum, possible one of the creepiest places I've ever been)

Apr 12, 2012

Funny Girl

This is how Emma greeted commuters on their way to work Wednesday morning. She can even make a tedious drive in the car fun. This picture is an accurate representation of my girl. She loves to have fun, make others laugh, and try new things.....just don't get in her way :)

Apr 9, 2012

Belly Pic-20 weeks

Celebrating the 1/2 way mark today (and it better, seriously only be the 1/2 way mark) of this pregnancy! It is going by so fast.... We are going to need A LOT more time to find a baby name. The jury is still out. I spent more time making my bathroom look clean (it is a illusion), than I did brushing my hair today. But, you understand :)

Apr 7, 2012

The Magic Easter Jelly Beans

Today while at the grocery store alone, I was able to meet up with the Easter Bunny. He only gives mommies and daddies "magic" jelly beans the day before Easter. This is a top secret transaction ONLY between the Easter Bunny and parents (thus, the reason I HAD to go ALONE). Sweet alone time.

After doing a little shopping, I hand delivered 5 MAGIC jelly beans to Emma. Seriously, MAGIC. She immediately ate two of them right before my eyes. Nervously, I convinced her to plant her jelly beans in our newly manicured flower bed (thanks Nanny and Bubba!).

She stated that although, she really wanted to eat the rest of them, she was excited to see the bean stalk in the morning. Poor thing. Everything she has heard is running together...fairy tales, all my pathetic lies....
Shortly after she fell asleep, her beans actually sprouted and grew into these....beautiful lollipop flowers. Not a bean stalk, but still pretty cool.
I found this on pinterest. I'm in love with pinterest. I'm so glad cousin Meredith pinned it, so we could do this fun little activity.

Petting Zoo

I finally allowed Emma to go into the petting zoo today. It only took 3.5 years for her to make her way into this forbidden place (they creep my out a little). Ironically, the goat was the only one who looked at the camera. He was a pro.

Apr 5, 2012

Progesterone: Friend and Foe

At 19 weeks 3 days pregnant, I started progesterone shots this Tuesday. Studies have shown that weekly shots of the hormone greatly improve the chances of carrying baby full term if you have had a previous premature baby. I'm really excited and hopeful about this!!! With that said, I AM SICK. Sick like death. I thought the injection would be the worst. It is dissolved in sesame oil and 1ml of it goes right into alternating hips each week, for 16 weeks. Talk about feeling the burn. That was the easy part. Tonight I came home and just cried. I feel like I've gone straight back to the first trimester x 10. It is totally worth it, but it is hard not to feel sorry for myself. Just 15 more weeks to go.

I did get to see "baby sister" again. It is amazing what they can see this early. They check the baby's brain, measure the baby's nasal bone, measure the long bones in her arms and legs, check her kidneys for main blood vessels, measure all 4 chambers of her heart and measure the blood flow in and out, check her lips for any signs of cleft palate, and visualize the stomach and bladder (which were both full. We also saw her drinking the amniotic fluid. The sonographer commented on how active she is, how long her legs are, how big her feet are, and how absolutely perfect she is. She currently weighs 10 oz.

Emma said recently, "I really like my baby sister! When is she going to pop out?"
Emma also asked, "Mommy, (pointing to her arm) when my baby sister pops out, is she going to have white skin like me or brown skin like my friend Robert?" It was such an innocent question, but I kinda felt like I was a guest on the Maury Povich show there for a minute.