Aug 30, 2012

Mila's Rules for Sleeping

In my crib: NO
In my bassinet: NO
In my swing: NO
In my bouncer: NO
On my mommy or daddy: YES

When everyone else sleeps: NO WAY I need to show these people who's boss.
At least while mommy gets Emma to sleep:  Maybe
Daytime: YES, PLEASE!

Night Owl

 Eat your heart out Donald Trump

Aug 27, 2012

Bubba and his girls

Emma LOVES her Nanny and Bubba.  She gets to boss Nanny around and physically abuse climb all over her Bubba.  Bubba promises gems like riding in his truck, 4-wheeler rides, and fishing (her new obsession).  He also has a really hard time saying "no."  He also gave her a zebra cake and now she can't stop talking about them.  Pediatrician and mother not approved :)

"MOM, he LIKES it"  (when told to get off her Bubba)  
the dog is so pathetically jealous

The guy does take a first hand beating like a pro!

 Positively the BEST way to watch TV

 Did I mention Emma is now 53 lbs? 100th percentile
for both height and weight? Actually, maybe more...
she is charting her own growth curve above the one her 
doctor had.

 Possibly more terrifying to Bubba was the 7lb
itty bitty baby (much to Emma's delight)

 Even so, this guy is a natural.

Aug 19, 2012

Newborn Photos

My girlfriend Millie took these awesome pictures of Mila (age:8 days).  I LOVE them. Thank You Millie!

Aug 17, 2012

Sprinkler Time

It's rare to be able to sit outside in the evening in August around here.  The heat, humidity and bugs usually keep us locked indoors.  This evening was so beautiful Emma was able to try out her new sprinkler that her Bubba sent her for her birthday.  It was just cool enough that even Mila was able to enjoy some jaundice-banishing sunlight.  As icky as August can be, it is the Month of The Riggs!  Mila's birthday is on the 9th, Emma's is on the 15th, and on the 20th Dan and I will be celebrating 7 years of marriage.     
This girl loves the water, even if it is ice cold

She told me that this was going to count as her bath for tonight...

I don't really know what to say about his one....

Emma's and daddy worked on her release so the ball
would fly high and not hit the ground.  I'd say the training session
was a complete success!

The rest of the girls relaxed and bathed in the sunlight
Nanny and Mila


Dan looked a little scared, she's usually not that sweet.  Then
again she wanted him to chase her around the yard.

She really is so graceful :) 

Getting a drink

This is a rare and difficult picture to get...a smiling Dan looking
directly at the camera.  I had to trick him.  (we were watching
and taking pictures of Emma). 

So worth it xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Aug 16, 2012

One Week Old

 nearly a wardrobe malfunction...

all morning long, all afternoon, and all night, yeah right.

Aug 15, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Emma!

Dear Emma,

Today marks 4 remarkable years of loving you.  As I am writing this letter to you, it is 9pm.  At exactly 9pm 4 years ago, your daddy wheeled me into a level III neonatal intensive care unit to one of the many incubators that lined the walls.  To the one on the far right, the one that held my little girl.  Five hours prior you were born and whisked away from me so fast that I didn't have time to memorize your little face.  I felt like I was staring through the plastic at a little stranger.  You were so fragile, and I was afraid of you.  As the weeks past and we learned together how to care for you, we formed a bond that I have no words to describe.  I have loved every second I have had being your mom and watching you grow.

Today you wake up each day with such joy and enthusiasm, often asking what the day will hold.  You are a bold, energetic, smart, funny, stubborn, and loving little girl.  Just 6 short days ago we welcomed your little sister into our family.  I missed you so much while I was away!  When you came for a visit at the hospital you already looked so much older to me.  I worried about how this change would affect you.  I worried about losing time for our special rituals, like at bed time when you tell me your secrets and tiny confessions.  I worried you would be insecure and sad.  Despite the changes in our home, you have not seemed to miss a beat.  You have welcomed your little sister with nothing but an eager love, even though your own birthday celebrations had to be changed.  You are a very special girl, an answered prayer.  We love you so very much.  Happy birthday to the little girl who is getting big, but will always be my baby girl.

In my daughter's eyes, 
I am a hero,
I am strong and wise, 
And I know no fear,
But the truth is plain to see,
She was sent to rescue me,
I see who I want to be,
In my daughter's eyes

-In my daughter's eyes, Martina McBride

Aug 14, 2012

Day 5

Mila Blue, 5 days

sleeps all afternoon, up all night...

The love fest continues...

Emma:  Baby sister smells good!
Me:  What does she smell like?
Emma:  She smells like hot dogs, cotton candy, and yellow paint

Aug 13, 2012

Sisterly Love

You might recall that on August 4th, Emma confidently announced that her baby sister would be born in "5 days."  You may have also noticed that she was right! (currently trying to get the winning lottery numbers now...)  Since we brought Mila home yesterday Emma lives and breathes nothing but her sister.  She wants to hold her, feed her, "wipe her cute little butt," put her in every swing and bouncer seat we own, dress her in all of her clothes (in one day), make her laugh, and pet her head (not so gently).  We are all wondering when the novelty will wear off. Daisy was over the baby in 1 second.  In fact, she looked a little mad at us when we brought her home :)

The coolest, calmest baby ever.  Thank You Universe.

Emma meet Mila for the first time.  She was little scared of her

 Holding her sister for the first time and not getting scared
 Super Proud Big Sister
 There might be a shiny new baby in this picture, but all I can think of when I look at this is how beautiful 
my first baby is and how much I missed her when I was in the hospital.  That was the longest we have ever
been apart.  
 Welcome Mila!
 "This crazy place is exactly why I didn't want to come out!"

 "My big sister says you are tool (cool)"
 My two silly girls

 "They say I have crazy hair..They are just jealous"
 Home coming!  Complete with sign, dinner, desert, flowers
and a well looked after Emma.  Thanks Nanny!!
Just like her big sister, Mila has a touch of jaundice
"glow worm"