Aug 6, 2007

Happy Be-very-lated-Birthday Nana!

Oh what can I say! I've been a very naughty granddaughter! I feel terrible. I missed my Nana's birthday in JULY! Like I said, very naughty. In my opinion, I forgot because the woman just doesn't seem to age. How can she have a birthday without aging? Yes, I have no shame and I will grovel until the cows come home. This is a picture her with Isabelle at our 4 generation holiday at my Mom's last year. To honor my Nana I've included a list of my favorite things about the old bird.

1. She is responsible for my love of tv soap operas and all things smutt on TV.
2. She is very good at knitting. She has given me some lessons as well as some beautiful blankets that I cherish.
3. She drives like she's in a Nascar race
4. She used to let me skip school when I stayed at her house.
5. She makes the BEST mac&cheese and icicle pickles!
6. We share the same middle name.
7. She watches bowling on TV. Strange yes, but very funny
8. She like to play solitaire on the computer.
9. She's given me sounds like Uh Huh! and Ugh!
10. She's the best Nana ever!



Anonymous said...

How sweet of you....happy birthday Krista's Nana!

BTW...what in the world are icicle pickles??????

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

The anonymous one was me...still learning about this whole blog thing....sorry.

The Riggs said...

Icicle pickles are the best pickles known to man! They are tangy, but sweet with a hint of cinnamon.

Anonymous said...

Krista, you are a wonderful grandaughter! and daughter!
