Dec 20, 2007

Coating Ceremony

Last weekend I finally experienced the graduate student "right of passage" by receiving my lab coat. For those of you not familiar, students who are graduating in the upcoming year receive a lab coat with their name and and "PhD" embroidered. I guess maybe I will graduate after all! Here are some pictures from the Biochemistry Christmas Party. I'm not sure why my face is so red in the pictures. It might be from all the excitement.......or it could be from the wine. :)

Me and Mr. Mountain Man

Klinge Lab members: Tissa, Susan, Dr. Klinge and me

Abdullah and me (we are the only students graduating this year)


A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Yay Dr. Riggs :) BTW...have you done something different with your hair? It looks wonderful in the pictures! And wow, Dan with the beard! I miss you guys so careful traveling this week!

Max Fam said...

FINALLY! They should have given you that coat a long time ago.

Tell Santa he needs to make friends with the Gillette Fusion. 5 blades. Miracle worker. Just ask my legs. They look sort of like Dan's face right now.

The Riggs said...

Dan says he will shave if you never speak of your hairy legs again.