Apr 9, 2008

Flu shot anyone?

I may have just learned my lesson with the flu shot. I have never gotten a flu shot and have never gotten the flu. It was just last week that I was bragging about this all over town. I've always used the theory of "herd immunity" where everyone else gets the flu shot and can't get sick enough to pass it to me. I tell everyone to get the flu shot while I secretly avoid those needles! It makes sense in my head at least.

I'm so thankful for Tylenol right now. I'm feeling a little better, but Dan fell asleep pretty early tonight (early for him, like before it got dark out) so I'm worried he is coming down with it too. Hopefully, he is just exhausted from a long day at work, a grueling exam and taking care of a cranky, whinny, and coughing preggo.

On another note, we had turkey in our yard this morning! Poor Daisy had to go outside for her 4 am "nature call" and they scared it right out of her!!!


Rasmussen Family said...

Poor girl. Just to let you know I got the flu shot and got sick not once but TWICE this winter. Your body is a little preoccupied right now! It's sucks that you can't take much to help. Feel better soon!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

I too do not do the flu shot. The one time I did get the shot I ended up with the worst flu ever. So why bother?

I hope you feel better soon.

And I have to say, the whole turkey vs. daisy fiasco is hilarious