Aug 29, 2008

You win some, you lose some

After almost 3 days of great feedings, Emma has hit a wall and did not wake up for a single feeding yesterday. These pics are pretty much how she spent most of her day. Such a little "sleeping beauty" (no prince need apply :) Today has been better. She did wake up for her 10:30 feeding, although I did have to strip her down to her diaper and wipe her down with a cold wet wash cloth to keep her awake. Talk about torture!

I can't believe my baby is already 2 weeks old! Today her gestational age is just 34 1/2 weeks. In a perfect world, she would still be sleeping in my belly for another 3 weeks, but instead she is having to do "big girl" things like waking up, eating, and regulating her own body temperature. We are told that by 36 weeks, babies begin to respond to hunger to wake them up. Emma should be getting there in the next week or so. We are also told that it happens overnight, like a light switch. We have set a big goal of next Sunday for her home coming. No word yet on what the doctor's are thinking.

Emma is growing very fast. She is up to 5lb 14 oz. We can't wait to see what she weighs at "full term." The doctor who delivered Emma said she would have been well over 10 lbs if she had gone to 40 weeks. Maybe a blessing in disguise for the mommy :)

"Do not disturb"
Dan and Emma
Could she look anymore like Dan??
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Rasmussen Family said...

She is so beautiful!! We'll pray that she comes home soon. She is so precious and blessed with great parents.

Anonymous said...

She is just so sweet and I am praying that she comes home with you Friday!!!!