Hey! Dan had a long day of Emma entertaining, a trip to the pediatrician for the dreaded "RSV shot" in which our princess screams her head off, surprise cleaning the house for me, a trip for flower and a card and then a trip downtown to my reception. It amazing he made it there at all!
Big Congratulations to you!!!!! I am so excited for you all. And Dan is the greatest - way to go for cleaning the house with a baby and going to the doc for shots - taking your baby to get shots is one of the HARDEST things to do.
What a relief this must be! Congrats again Doc!
Dan is forever unwaivering in his support for the Giants isn't he?! Congrats, you must feel great!!!
Dan really dressed up for the big day didn't he???
Hey! Dan had a long day of Emma entertaining, a trip to the pediatrician for the dreaded "RSV shot" in which our princess screams her head off, surprise cleaning the house for me, a trip for flower and a card and then a trip downtown to my reception. It amazing he made it there at all!
Big Congratulations to you!!!!! I am so excited for you all. And Dan is the greatest - way to go for cleaning the house with a baby and going to the doc for shots - taking your baby to get shots is one of the HARDEST things to do.
Dan always wears his finest giants hoodie for pictures doesnt he? i like how everyone is dressed up nice haha
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