Nov 14, 2008

Did I do that??

I've been trying to get Emma to play more in her baby gym.  She needs lots and lots of tummy time to help "work out" her flat spot.  She got pretty frustrated after 15 min so I flipped her over so she could play sitting up.  I tried to hang plenty of toys to keep her attention.  She was a little bored when all of a sudden she swung her arm up and the toys moved!  In all fairness, I'm pretty sure it wasn't deliberate but she looks so pleased I have to give her credit.  We just love her little gym!  Thanks cousin Emily!

In other news, Daisy is doing much better since she started the steroids.  She is bouncing around crazy as ever.  This is a video of her chasing a bug that found its way into the house. Daisy thought it was playing with her when it was really just running for its life.  She was very sad when it died and could no longer "play" with her. And yes, that is peoples court on the tv :)


Meredith and Adrian said...

I too enjoy The Housewives of Orange County, any trashy reality is good for me...we'll have to discuss over pistachio cake in a few weeks! Love the Emma video, I seriously am an Emma stalker and check constantly!

Anonymous said...

She is too much! I love her little tongue.....keep workin' her out! GO EMMA!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Too sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Our cat Izzy chases anything that moves or she'll make it move

rbeasley said...

Emma is just too cute! Ginger does the same thing with bugs, leaves, sticks, pretty much anything that moves!
Glad to see Daisy is feeling better!