Nov 2, 2008

Sunday Pics

on our way to church

nothing better than a baby cuddle!

Sunday "new parent" lesson learned: ALWAYS have a spare outfit in the diaper bag to prevent bringing home a naked baby due to the world famous "diaper explosion"  :)  


Kristin said...

cute pics! she looks so cute going to church! I just learned the rule about always carrying an extra outfit too! Makenzie had a little explosion the other day at a store...I had to wrap her in her blanket on the ride home!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Oh, I'm sorry that happened! I think it happens to most parents at some time or another.

She is precious in her church outfit!

rbeasley said...

She looks so cute all ready for church! Too bad about the 'explosion'! At least you won't make that mistake again!