Dec 8, 2008

First official day

Well today was the big day.  My first day back to work.  Today I did new employee orientation so I wasn't actually in my new lab (but I was still away from my Emma).  I missed her so much. Oh, I hate it.  All day long I think about what she is doing, if she ate, how much she ate, if she misses me, if the other kids are being nice to her, and most importantly, if the babysitter wants to expel her yet etc:)  If only I could win that elusive lotto!!! One great benefit of both Dan and I working at UofL is that after paying for ourselves we each just pay $1.25 for Emma's health insurance.  Isn't that great!  I also learned that I get 2 classes per semester free...still pondering what degree to get next...  

The sweet face I dream of all day.....



Meredith and Adrian said...

She is so cute! Congrats on your first day back to work...I've been told by co-workers it gets easier, but I secretly think they dream of the lotto also...good to know you're not alone! See you soon!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

How could you not think about that sweet face? I hope you love your new lab, keep the details coming once you get settled in. Your health ins. rate is awesome!!!

rbeasley said...

What a sweet face to think about all day long! Good luck at your new job! I can't believe how great your health insurance is!