Jan 10, 2009

Feeling hot, hot, hot!!!

Last night Emma spiked a fever and started acting very unhappy.  Her temp was up to 100.4 by 6am and we were all at her pediatrician at 9am.  Poor baby has double ear infections and a nasty lingering cold.  Thankfully, her RSV test was negative and her lungs are clear.  So it seems we are experiencing Emma's first sickness which we are treating with antibiotics :(  As always our girl got weighed and Emma is up to 15 pounds, 15 oz! Wowza.


Kristin said...

Awww poor little sick baby! we hope she is feeling better!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Oh no! I hope she feels better soon - those ear infections are NO fun.

Meredith and Adrian said...

Feel better baby Emma!

rbeasley said...

Hope Emma is feeling better soon!