Feb 11, 2009

Blingin' the Band

There has been some serious adjusting going on in the Riggs' Residence over the past 24 hours. We took Emma yesterday to be fitted for her Cranial Band (i.e., helmet). Emma had torticollis (stiff neck) when she was born as a result of how she was position in utero (with her chin on her right shoulder, this is also how she was born).  She developed a strong preference for looking to her right, including sleeping. This all resulted in flattening of her little head and thus the helmet.

Our pediatrician followed Emma's progress as we worked to stretch out and strengthen her neck. We had skull xrays (normal) and were referred to a plastic surgeon who then prescribed the cranial orthotic. If left untreated, it might not get any worse or it might. Worst case scenario, the bones continue to move and impeded on her hearing and development so we made the decision to go forward with the cranial band. Emma will wear her helmet for 23 hrs per day for 3 months. At that time she will be reevaluated to see if she needs to wear it longer. Emma seems to be handling it better than mom or dad. It makes her sweat and it will get stinky. I am already missing rubbing my cheek on the top of her head and kissing her fluffy hair.

So now we embark on our latest craft project "BLING EMMA's BAND!" We have started by painting her name and adding some stickers for Valentines day. We'd love to hear any ideas you might have! We love her so much and think she is just perfect as she is, but we don't want any blame thrown our way when she is 16 and can't get a date to prom because she has an egg shaped head :-) All I have to say is, girlfriend better at least have straight teeth!


Anonymous said...

You should put some pics of people or Daisy that Emma liked.

Emily said...

So creative!

rbeasley said...

Love the bling!