Mar 8, 2009

F is for fish!

I can't say enough about this product! The swimming fish are so captivating that many times I can lay Emma down in her bed awake and she will watch the fish until she falls asleep! Amazing! These are a few pictures from play time Sunday afternoon.

I hear bubbles!
"oh hello friends!  Wait where are you going??"
"come back! come back!"
"I love these guys mom, but they keep swimming away!"
"I'm EXHAUSTED from fishing!"
"Mom, bring me a bottle!"


Emily said...

The fishing must run in the family!

rbeasley said...

She is getting so big! Gotta love fishing!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

She is so cute!

Meredith and Adrian said...

Side profile she looks so much like Dan! I need to get one of these little devices for Carter!