Mar 7, 2009

What mommy learned at daycare

Emma sleeps well at night but has hard time staying soundly asleep during naps (mostly because she wants to be held the entire time).  A couple of months ago I learned this "technique" for getting Emma to take longer naps.  Once Emma is swaddled and drifting off to sleep, I lay her in her Boppy and wrap the "arms" around her.  This makes her think she is being held and she will stay asleep.  The Boppy comes with a warning to NEVER let babies sleep in them unattended, which is why this technique is only for supervised napping :)  Thanks daycare!


Emily said...

She looks so peaceful...miss you Emma!

Anonymous said...

ahhh she is just beautful, I want to cuddle her. Nanny

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Lincoln used to sleep great in his boppy as well- supervised of course.