Apr 1, 2009

Look out world here I come!

She can't actually go anywhere yet, but mom, dad and Daisy are getting nervous. Time to start "baby-proofing!" Time for Daisy to find a good hiding place!


kurtkristi said...

Ya know after crawling comes walking!!

Max Fam said...

say it ain't so!!! Has it been that long? Sweet Emma is growing up so fast and I feel so horrible I haven't seen her. Even worse, that she and Owen haven't been able to love on each other!

Hope you guys are doing well.

Kristin said...

Uh-oh!! Looks like she is about ready to take off!! Hide all remotes, dog toys, wires...hehehe :) I think Makenzie would crawl for miles to reach a dog toy!

rbeasley said...

Go Emma Go!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Slow down Emma!!! She is growing up so fast! I can't wait to see that little girl again - hopefully soon.