Apr 19, 2009

This is the super cute dress Emma wore to daycare on Friday when it 75 and sunny. I thought it was the perfect dress. Well, scratch that. There were 2 other more "perfect" dresses but sometime between last month and now my little pork chop out grew them! It seems Emma is doomed to be in t-shirts and jeans. After a few hours of wearing this, she had one of her infamous diaper explosions. She was wearing PJs when I picked her up. *sigh* At least I've learned to take the cute pictures in the mornings!

"it's mom with the camera again!"
"tasty looking camera"
playing with her aquarium
"okay just one smile and that's it!"
Maybe some day there will be a picture of Emma on my "made" bed :-)


Meredith and Adrian said...

Lots of drool slicks Little Miss Emma!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

I love that dress! and I love her SMILE even more.

rbeasley said...

She seems to be such a happy little baby! I love the bow in her hair!