While I know it is Sunday and I've just had 2 days of "relaxation," I am in need of another weekend. Daisy decided to eat Emma's antibiotic ear drops on Friday. While I am relieved that she and her $900 new knee are okay, my recently manicured lawn is now covered in the unfortunate "end" result of that little binge. I know I did a hundred things this weekend, but my house is still a mess and there is laundry and baby toys everywhere! Today is one of those days I have asked God for patience and endurance. Today I will end my day in bed completely exhausted from my weekend. Tonight I will lay in bed proud and happy to have made it through another day of my perfect, if chaotic, life.
The phrase "working mother" is redundant. ~Jane Sellman
If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? ~Milton Berle
Any mother could perform the jobs of several air traffic controllers with ease. ~Lisa Alther
girl, I don't know how you do it....I'm tired just reading about your life! ;)
The laundry is an endless task - how does adding just one little person create so much???
And how is it that dogs can get into just as much mischief if not more than our kids and our husbands combined?
Hang in there Krista (aka Super mom)
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