May 28, 2009

29 behind me and 71 more to go!

I'm officially enjoying my last year of my 20s!  According to Oprah, 50 is the new 40, 40 is the new 30 etc.... so that means I'm really just a teenager :)  As my birthday present, my husband gave me a book (he is probably taking bets on whether I will actually read it!), and my daughter gave me her virus complete with fever, chills, body aches and every other flu like symptom.  Seriously, could this be swine flu?  Who can I sue if it is :)      


Anonymous said...

You are getting REALLY OLD!!! Just kidding... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
The Zoo

Meredith and Adrian said...

Happy Birthday! As a new member of the 30 club, its really not that bad, I promise:) Feel better:)

Kristin said...

Happy Birthday!!! :)

rbeasley said...

Sorry to hear you were sick for your birthday! Feel better soon!

Emily said...

Happy Belated! We will have to celebrate the next time you come to visit! Kisses to Emma!