May 9, 2009

Back from our march...

We did the March for Dimes march for babies this morning. We raised over $100 !! Thanks to everyone who donated! It was a lot of fun and surprisingly emotional.  I think everything happened so fast that we didn't have time to really digest how stressful it was or how very luck we are to have our Emma!  Speaking of Emma, she LOVED the 4 mile walk.  Of course I forgot my camera in the mad rush to get there by 8am.  When we got home I tried to get Emma to pose with her very first March of Dimes T-shirt. you can doesn't fit anymore :)  She was the fattest preemie at the walk, that's all I'll say.  I'm so thankful she is so healthy and plump!  We can't wait for next year's walk!


A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

yay for you!! and i love the pics of emma!!!

kurtkristi said...

Way too go, hey she may have been the chubbiest baby, but I'm sure she was also the cutest!!