Jul 3, 2009

saving money comes at a price..

In tough times, we ladies need to give up some of our beauty routines that spoil us with pampering...

The Price?  $50 for crappy clippers+ doggy humiliation 
surge charge

Sure, she has some bald spots and other spots I missed altogether but it didn't cost the usual $80!


kurtkristi said...

What no pictures of Daisy with her snazzy new haircut?

The Riggs said...

It's bordering on animal cruelty.

Anonymous said...

How does Daisy Dog feel about this doo??

Hope you all Have a very Happy 4th of July.

Love Mom

Meredith and Adrian said...

You're better than me. Carter currently cannot see out of his right eye, because I am trying to hold out paying for a groom until the last, bitter moment before vacation. But his $35 seems like a bargain compared to Daisy's pricey professional doo! Happy 4th of July!