Sep 13, 2009

Go Giants Go!!

I'm told the New York Giants beat the Washington Redskins tonight in what was described to me as "the best birthday present ever." His wife doesn't have the same "fire" for the game, but his daughter sure does (or at least she dresses the part).

"Give me a G"
We heard the neighbors might be Redskins fans
so we were all having a good laugh
Going over some potential winning "plays"
Best quarterback ever!
So Emma honey. Did daddy tell you about good sportsmanship?
What if the Giants lose a game?
oddly enough, this is exactly what her daddy looks
like when his Giants lose!


Anonymous said...

She is the sweeteat NY Giants cheerleader!!!

Tricia said...

Oh my god that is the cutest thing ever!

Meredith and Adrian said...


kurtkristi said...

Ok you have to let me know where you got the Giants cheerleader outfit. IF this little one is a girl you know I'm gonna need one of those.

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

I love her little chearleader outfit!!! She is a doll.