Oct 7, 2009

Drama Queen

Oh, the crazy emotions of a 14 month old! I can't say I can't relate. Most days I would love to throw myself on the floor, screech like a wild baboon, pull my own hair out, bite/hit the person next to me and use all my "angry words" in a language that no one else understands.... Emma gets to have all the fun. Then after humiliating her mother in public she chugs some milk, throws back a few cheerios, and forgets it ever happened. "What's wrong mom, your face is all red? What happened??"

Note to new moms: The straps in the cart at Walmart are not for safety, they are for restraining.

A little demonstration (all fake, all temper). I've said it before. I'll say it again. This must be a Riggs trait. Everyone knows the Robinsons are a peaceful people :)

P.S. All I was trying to do was get a clip of her first bruise (from daycare), and all she wanted was my camera.
P.P.S. I won. I'm the mommy. I'm the boss. Hmph!


kurtkristi said...

Ya know they say "like mother, like daughter"!!

Meredith and Adrian said...

she is Dan's twin, I cant say it enough!

Kristin said...

Haha....I can relate! :)