Oct 17, 2009

Fort Riggs

Like most places this time of the year, it is getting cold here. Instead of finding fun outside, we decided to stay in this morning and building a fort in the living room! I have great memories of playing in couch forts at my grandparents. It turned out the Emma L-O-V-E-D it! Actually, she loved it so much that I had some serious explaining to do when it came time to take down the fort :)

"mommy you are so funny!"
Daisy isn't sure what the big deal is, but
she joined in the fun to (especially because there
cheerios involved)
"what are you doing in my fort mommy?"
"I love Fort Riggs"
Call us General Mills, will model for lifetime supply


kurtkristi said...

Ok the boys and I loved making forts when we were kids!!! As soon as Emma's new bff gets here is big enough we'll have to get them together to make forts together!!!

Max Fam said...

Krista, you are officially mom of the year. Stop being so cool.

Anonymous said...

Wish I was there with you - I love forts. How fun!!!
