Feb 17, 2010

Pretty Girl

Baby Emma is a baby no more. She is a little girl. A wild, creative, joyful, curious, mischievous, and loving little girl. She is so much fun these days. She gets into trouble, mostly with the dog. She picks on the dog. She lies about the dog hurting her, just to get her hands on a smelly, slobber soaked, hair covered dog toy. She will stop at nothing. I admit that I've been outsmarted by her more than once. I love her determination.

I hope you can appreciate my determination to take pictures of her....with my cell phone.....for now:)


Emily said...

Great pics! I wonder if Brayden will be the same with Mika!

kurtkristi said...

That determination has served her well, although I can't imagine who she gets that from!!!!