Mar 30, 2010

Emma and the twins

This morning Emma refused to get into the car without her babies. She loves babies.

Not only did we have to bring the babies, but we had to dress them, and swaddle each one in their own blanket. She's a good mommy.

I tried to talk her into picking just one baby. It didn't work. So now I get three babies ready for school each morning. At least the other two don't scream when I dress them 15 minutes before we leave, then undress themselves and hide their shoes 10 minutes before we leave, demand to brush their teeth 3 times just to eat the toothpaste, poop their pants 5 minutes before we leave the house, and scream if they don't get a box of raisins to eat on the way to daycare. They are good babies :)

Mar 29, 2010

Trouble Trouble Trouble

Emma is in a phase. A trouble seeking, trouble finding phase. She is always asking herself, "WHAT can I get into? HOW can I get to it? How much TIME do I have before mom finds out?"

Answers: A lot, usually with the kitchen chair, and 30 seconds is more than enough

Mar 27, 2010

Memories and being Thankful

Tonight I had a flashback to right after Emma was born. I was discharged from the hospital. I was driving 2-3 hours a day to be with her in the NICU for feeding. Meetings with doctors.

Then I remembered how Dan and I would leave the hospital every night talking about her daily trials and I would cry. I would cry in the car on the way to the hospital. I cried when I held her, when I fed her, and all the way back to the car as we were leaving her.

It's weird to remember all those fears now when I have a beautiful, thriving 19 month old who wears punch bowls on her head and laughs with me.

I don't want to forget those moments, even if they were sad because they make me so very thankful for what I have and for all my many blessings. So I am writing (typing) it down.

Mar 26, 2010

See the Moon?

Emma has been saying lots of new words recently. Words like "outside, walk, airplane, birdies, and moon." She has her head in the clouds and loves all things in the sky. Tonight she spotted the moon from the back room and said "Mommy, mommy, mommy! See the MOOON!?" To date, those are the most words she has strung together. Here's a little sample of her sweet little voice :)

"Its the moon!"
"Its prettttttty!"

Mar 25, 2010

Zoo fun!

Emma and her BFF Veronica!
she likes to walk like a big girl!
riding the baby elephant with Veronica and Reynold
fell asleep in the middle of eating her banana

Mar 24, 2010

Accident Report 3/23/10

Time of Accident: 9:37am

Details of Accident (including nature and location of injury): "Emma was bit on the finger when she put her finger in another child's mouth."

"Hey mom! I found this paper you were reading. I decided
to make a few changes with my green crayon......"
"Daisy proof read it and we think it is much better"

Mar 21, 2010

Rain=Dance party!

THANKS to auntie Susan for letting me borrow her camera while
I save up for my dream camera! Its like I've been reunited with
an old friend (and Emma's worst nightmare).

Mar 20, 2010

The first day of spring!

Daisy enjoying the sunshine and poop free yard
thanks to Dan!
Emma racing Daisy to the red ball
Emma and her favorite dangerous steps
family Riggs
"won't look at camera, definitely won't smile"
make your move!
"can't catch me"
"yeah, I'm that fast!"
"if you want something done right, you've
gotta do it yourself!"

Mar 16, 2010

No one likes a bully

When a incident happens that results in a child getting hurt, daycare sends an incident report home with the "bully" and one home with the "bullied." I am proud to say that up until yesterday, Emma has never got a "bully report" (only "bullied reports). That was, as I said, until yesterday.....

From Monday's incident report (and I quote):

"Emma was playing with Playdoh and started to bite (her own) right arm. Ice was applied to her arm and she was given a teething ring."

I laughed when I read this. I guess my gentle giant can only bully herself. I wonder how many other kids get a two-for-one report where they are the bully and the bullied? It's like a one man play. I asked her about it later. She proudly showed me her hand and asked me to kiss it. Then it was "okay!"

Mar 13, 2010

Too much love?

Daisy is really the best dog. Just in the last 24 hours she has endured drum sticks to the head, getting her ears and tail pulled, her mouth pried open and her dog biscuit stolen, and more hugs and kisses than should ever pass between a toddler and a dog. As sweet as it all is or isn't (she lost the drum sticks), is there such a thing as too much love? Daisy thinks so.

laying totally defeated as Emma cleans daisy all over with a baby wipe..
and yes, she knows it is especially for the bum (sorry Daisy)
Hug #489 of the day

Mar 8, 2010

18 month check up!

We just got back from Emma's 18 month check up. First and foremost, our apologies to nurse Karen. In no way did you deserve the nasty looks, flying snot, and shouted "nos!" Emma is so mean to nurse Karen and a polite shy little thing when Dr. B comes in. Girl is a flirt! Emma's stats:

33 3/4 inches tall
28 pounds, 14.5 oz
Super brilliant, seriously.

While trying to talk to the doctor (professionally, you know) Emma drops her hair tie down my shirt.
Me: It's okay, ignore it. Never happened. (more talk about ears and such).
Then I feel a little hand going right down the front of my shirt.....then an announcement


Oh, right sorry doctor. She can say 51 words, not 50. I completely forgot about boobies. Enter humiliation. Actually, Dan didn't hear it so maybe the doctor did see or hear anything?

More recent favorites from Emma:
Elmo!!!!, no mine!, mean, meanie (sensing a pattern here?), movie, E-E (Ernie), Birds, cars, walk, out, up, oppul (apple) juice, and NO BARKING!
Currently loves and hates (and believe me there is no in betweenies) :
Loves: mommy, tubby! being naked, going outside, stickers, dried cranberries, raisins and blueberries. She won't touch chicken with a 10 foot pole, hates carrots and sleeping in her own bed.

Biggest changes in Emma recently: OPINIONS and lots of them!

On an important note. We learned that the tube in Emma's left ear has fallen out and she has two (wait for it) EAR INFECTIONS. Shocking. She will have to have that tube replaced because her ears are still a big problem to my little Emma. There is only one thing I hate more than Elmo and that is ear infections!

Carrots do something for children’s vision. Kids can spot carrots no matter how you disguise them.-Anon
A toddler believes that if you love a person, you stay with that person 100 percent of the time.-Lawrence Balter
The fundamental job of a toddler is to rule the universe -Lawrence Balter

Rekindling our love affair with Spring..

Hello Spring! We are so glad to see you again. Emma is so happy to be able to go outside and play. She loves it so much she will stand at the back doors and beg to go "out." She is 100% jealous that Daisy gets to go outside to potty so much!

80s hair. It's coming back.
can't catch me!!!
bird watching

queen of the backyard!

Mar 5, 2010

Peeing with Darth Vader

Using the "big girl" potty is sometimes tricky for me.
Not because I don't know how. I've been doing it pretty well for close to 29 years. It's because I'm usually accompanied by my fan club of two. Emma and Daisy.

Thanks girls, for your support.

Emma was escorted to school today by her dad leaving me home alone to watch TV that didn't consist of The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland. If you don't have any knives to shove in your eyes or chalkboards to scratch your nails on I suggest you check it out. It gives the same effect. I digress.

I was also privileged enough to drink a cup of coffee without my little Emma parrot sitting close by singing HOT! HOT! HOT! (repeat, repeat, repeat) AND I even went potty ALONE.

Or so I thought.

I started hearing Darth Vader heavy breathing coming from under the door. Over and over, louder and louder. Then a tiny doggy toenail appear under the door. It was Daisy Darth Vader. So I opened the door. You can't really deny the power of the dark one right?

"The force is strong with this one." -Darth Vader

Mar 2, 2010


3: The number of times Daisy woke me up last night with her not so subtle uhhh uhhh uhhhs. What did she want you ask? To go outside because she was stricken with the uncontrollables? For a drink because she was dying of thirst? At 12:30am, 1:30am, and 2:30am she woke me up begging, groaning and sticking her cold wet nose on my face. I get up and walk to the back door.
Me: "Daisy do you have to go out?"
Dog: looks at me like I am speaking Chinese, backs away from the door.
Me: "Daisy do you need water or food?"
Both bowls are full, still getting the same dumb look. I head back to bed.
Dog: ughh, uhh, ughhhhhhhhhhhh as she stands next to the counter looking at the treat box, back to me, back to treat box.
Lightbulb: I left the box of Milkbones on the counter last night and it seems she just couldn't sleep knowing they were there. No. She did not get any, but that did not chip away at her resolve to try at least two more times. I think the fur cut has turned her into a Diva.
The "before" picture
The "after." Seriously, doesn't she look
like she has a bad attitude??

2: The number of times I had to turn around in the car today and pull the arm of Emma's sunglasses out of her nose while on our way to daycare. I'd like to say to the Honda Element behind us that I'm sorry you didn't get the best parking spot today because my daughter and her disappearing sunglasses slowed you down :)

1: The last bit of patience I have left for today. Who wants it? Just don't be second in line, because you my friend, will not have a nice experience.

The End.

Mar 1, 2010

Daisy and her "Fierce" Makeover

Daisy has been way over due for a grooming, like almost 5 months over due and the dog hair dust bunnies have been overrunning my house (in a direct competition with the ants for supreme dominance of the Riggs house). She had an appointment on Sunday so before we left Emma gave her a Giant's style tackling and a mouth-to-mouth kiss (I know it's sick but I can't control them) and we were out the door. This time the groomer convinced me to try a "schnauzer cut" instead of the "terrier cut" she normally gets. Basically she is shaved all over (about 6 inches of hair gone!) except for some bushy old man eyebrows and a beard (picture coming soon).

I picked Daisy up, bought her some treats and told her how beautiful (and hairless) she was. When we arrived home Emma met us at the door, as she had been asking where Daisy had gone. Daisy walked in the door and was met with shear terror. Emma did not recognize her and screamed in absolute fear of her best friend. It was so sad. I think it hurt Daisy's feeling because up until that point she was feeling sassy and confident about her new look.

Emma kept her distance from Daisy and would only refer to her as "dog." It took all night feeding Daisy, letting Daisy outside, yelling at Daisy for barking (of course), and playing with Daisy's toys to convince Emma that the ugly thing I came home with was her beloved fur-ball Daisy.

This morning they were back to their old tricks and all was peaceful again. Not sure if we will go with the schnauzer look again :)