Mar 30, 2010

Emma and the twins

This morning Emma refused to get into the car without her babies. She loves babies.

Not only did we have to bring the babies, but we had to dress them, and swaddle each one in their own blanket. She's a good mommy.

I tried to talk her into picking just one baby. It didn't work. So now I get three babies ready for school each morning. At least the other two don't scream when I dress them 15 minutes before we leave, then undress themselves and hide their shoes 10 minutes before we leave, demand to brush their teeth 3 times just to eat the toothpaste, poop their pants 5 minutes before we leave the house, and scream if they don't get a box of raisins to eat on the way to daycare. They are good babies :)


Tricia said...

Maybe you should have a real baby for her to play with! :)

The Riggs said...

not funny!