Apr 8, 2010

Going to Oww-SIGHe!

People who love to be oww-SIGHe (outside) more than Emma= NO ONE! This girl will do just about anything for a jelly bean, but will stop at nothing to get out the doors to the back yard. Last night we ate our dinner and played until it rained in the magical land of Oww-SIGHe.

Emma will now smile and say "CHEEESE!"
(maybe my happiest moment of the day)
So happy to be sitting on the "steps of terror"
(you should see all her scrapes on her legs,
she doesn't care)
"so smelling and eating the flower are two
different things?"
What you cannot see in these pictures is that I sent Emma to school with her shirt on backwards. Some shirts have the button in the back, some in the front. Who can keep it all straight! :)


A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

That last pic of her with the flower is absolutely precious

Emily said...

too cute!

rbeasley said...

I love to go Oww-SIGHe too! Cute pics!