May 31, 2010

Young Love

On Saturday Emma had a play date and so did Dan and I! My good friend Yoannis picked up Emma from our house and then we were off for a movie and dinner. It was so nice to get away and know that Emma was having a blast with her friends Veronica and Reynold. The best part of our adventure was getting adorable pictures from Ernest! Ernest is an awesome photographer. If you need pictures, you should check him out.

Don't fall in love with me, kid

May 28, 2010

Everyone Poops

I'm not sure when it happened but sometime in the near past Emma has become really interested in poo. At the park she gets really excited when she finds duck poop (and she announces it as loud as she can). She tells me when her diaper is dirty by saying "Emmy pooped, dirty diapy, new diapy"

Two nights ago I asked her, "Emma did you poop?" She shook her head yes and I changed her diaper. Then the questions started....

Emma: "Mommy poopy?"
Me: "Yes, mommy poops" (quickly thinking of how to change the subject)
Emma: "Daddy poopy?"
Me: "Yes, daddy does too" (where is this going?)

She went on to ask about everyone, I mean EVERYONE she knows including Nanny, Bubba, Suzie, all her friends at daycare, Lincoln, baby Ashlynn, Elmo, Big Bird and Ernie. I must confess that I don't quite know whether or not puppets poop but I just said "yes" to be consistent. Oh, the questions!

May 24, 2010

A little of this and a little of that

We have been so busy lately. I am convinced that life would be so much better with just 4 extra hours per day. Emma continues to be the funniest and most charming girl ever! Here are a couple of updates on her:
1. She refers to herself in third person (and she calls herself "Emmy") For example "mommy pick Emmy up!"
2. She always tells me how she feels. Last weekend she put her little hands on my face and said "mommy, Emma HAPPY"
3. She always says "thank you" for everything
4. Sometimes she says sorry when her diaper is extra stinky
5. She is currently in love with cows and got to see some up close and in person on Sunday
6. "Wheels on the bus" is her favorite song
7. She can say her ABCs up to the letter H and count to 5
8. Elmo is still her hero, and stickers are the worlds best invention
9. She loves her backpack, hat, and sunglasses
10. She *still* loves sleeping with her mommy and daddy

......and I wrote all of this from my iPod. Woohoo! I love it!

May 17, 2010

Squirrels, squirrels and more squirrels

Recently, Emma's nana and Bubba set up a bird feeder in our back yard so we could learn about all of our local feathered friends. We are also learning about squirrels. Persistent, multiplying, karate squirrels that will stop at nothing to get sunflower seeds. Every time I see one scaling the tiny pole that holds up the bird feeder I hear the Mission Impossible theme song.

Emma and Daisy love the squirrels. Daisy loves to chase them (she wouldn't know what to do if she actually caught one) and Emma loves to watch Daisy chase them. They don't really bother me too much. I like to see what they are capable of. Dan, on the other hand, hates squirrels. This week, he found the one and only redeeming quality of Daisy, that she likes to chase them. He says she is getting fast and he seems really excited that she might catch one. We will see.

We are on constant squirrel watch. Daisy and Emma sit all day long staring at the bird feeder. Searching the trees for those beady little eyes. Welcoming the thieves. Emma takes her her squirrel watching duty very seriously. She will come and announce whenever there is a squirrel. She tells me first, then Daisy. Dan is kept out of the loop. She can't say squirrel so instead she says "mommy! Daisy (and some little clicking sound she makes that she is sure sounds just like a squirrel). If you come to our house, don't be alarmed if my daughter starts clicking at you. She is just telling you about the squirrels :)

While Emma takes her squirrel patrol very seriously, sometimes she gets a little tired and has to delegate duties to others. Saturday she told me "Baby, click click click" Later I found this.

The squirrels got all of the bird seed on "baby's watch." A a result of this security breech, her duties have been reassigned :)

May 15, 2010

Nature Hike

Today is a beautiful day so we decided to take Emma to a nearby park to feed the ducks and take a nature walk. Here are some photos from our walk


May 11, 2010

The evolution of Mother's Day

I was reflecting about what Mother's Day means to me (besides the super awesome gifts I get when my husband waits to the last minute and has to get me something expensive because he doesn't know what else to do).

Mother's day has evolved from the times I was a little girl to the present. Mother's Day was first a day when I recognized my own mom and grandmas for how much I loved them. I didn't have a true appreciation for the role they played in my life, but I knew it was a day when I would give them a card and be on my best behavior.

For a couple of years, Mother's Day was a day of tears and sadness. I didn't look forward to it, I dreaded it. Becoming a mom wasn't easy for me. It was filled with many roadblocks. I almost gave up. I'm glad I didn't. Now on Mother's Day, I also think about those who are struggling to get pregnant and those that have lost their children. Once a mother, always a mother.

One year, Mother's day was a day filled with anticipation! I was (finally) pregnant and looking forward to my new role as a mom. I thought I knew how great it would be. I wasn't even close. It is life changing. Coincidentally, I also didn't know how hard it would be. It is a test of endurance at times, and it is rewarding.

Last year, I was a new working mom with a 9 month old. I spent most of my free time doing laundry covered in baby poop and spit up. Really, I just wanted to survive the day.

This year I am a more confident mom. I'm starting to learn how to balance career and family. I am accepting change. I am out of survival mode and into one of enjoyment. I am a mom who is proud of her family. I have a husband who is appreciative of my mommy skills. I am a lucky, lucky lady. I suppose that when one becomes a grandmother it changes again, as it does with all of our experiences. I look forward to a lifetime of Mother's day with the best daughter ever :)

imagining a coffee filter as a hat

Mother's Day 2010

I know I'm a little late posting. It's well, because I've been too busy enjoying my new ipod touch! Did I mention how much I LOVE it?? I can listen at work and ignore everyone! FYI, not as effective at home :)

May 6, 2010

Emma the Actress

Happy Birthday Daisy!

Yesterday was Daisy dog's third birthday. Last year I made her a turkey sandwich in place of a cake. This year she got nothing but a walk. She recently devoured 10 dirty diapers in the middle of my living room. I pardoned her from a life sentence in her cage as a gift. There is still one person in the house who still thinks Daisy is better than blueberries...

May 1, 2010

Biker Chick

Emma had an awesome day playing with her buddies Reynold and Veronica while Dan and I had a relaxing dinner (Thanks Yoannis!). Her buddies have bikes which Emma fell deeply in love with. Naturally we had to go to Target on the way home and get Emma her very own :)

Did I mention it rained ALL day!
Emma likes to ride her bike without pants
Taking her baby for a ride

Daisy was a little disappointed that she didn't get
a bike. Maybe next time.