May 24, 2010

A little of this and a little of that

We have been so busy lately. I am convinced that life would be so much better with just 4 extra hours per day. Emma continues to be the funniest and most charming girl ever! Here are a couple of updates on her:
1. She refers to herself in third person (and she calls herself "Emmy") For example "mommy pick Emmy up!"
2. She always tells me how she feels. Last weekend she put her little hands on my face and said "mommy, Emma HAPPY"
3. She always says "thank you" for everything
4. Sometimes she says sorry when her diaper is extra stinky
5. She is currently in love with cows and got to see some up close and in person on Sunday
6. "Wheels on the bus" is her favorite song
7. She can say her ABCs up to the letter H and count to 5
8. Elmo is still her hero, and stickers are the worlds best invention
9. She loves her backpack, hat, and sunglasses
10. She *still* loves sleeping with her mommy and daddy

......and I wrote all of this from my iPod. Woohoo! I love it!

1 comment:

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

I think it is so funny she says sorry for her stinky diapers! I love it!