Jul 10, 2010

Emma Humor

Last weekend we were watching a movie. It had a sad scene. Emma is pretty sensitive, and she started asking what was wrong. "Mommy happy?" (meaning mommy you aren't happy?). I then deflected onto Dan and told her that her daddy was a cry baby. Yes. I know. It wasn't very nice.

The week started and we all forgot about the movie until breakfast on Wednesday. Emma and I sat eating breakfast and out of the blue (and unprompted I might add) she says, "Daddy cries at movies" and I nearly died choking on my food.

That was the last we heard of it.

Until Friday, when Dan picked Emma up from school. As they were driving home, Emma (reportedly) starting singing, "Daddy cries at movies, Daddy cries at movies, Daddy cries at movies."

Dan said very indignantly "No. I. DON'T." and she laughed.

She is the funniest person I know.


A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

I love her, I love her, I love her!!! :)

Emily said...

too funny!

Emily said...
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kurt & kristi said...

you better watch, Dan might remind Emma that "mommy goes tootie out her but!" better hope he doesn't try to get even! LOL