Aug 10, 2010

The Louisville Science Center

Today Emma, her Nanny Pam, and I went to the Children's Museum. They had the Sesame Street "Body" Exhibit where we learned all about our bodies!

Emma first warmed up with some
gym fun

Then she auditioned for the "use your head"
game show
We learned about washing our hands
and brushing our teeth
she loves to wash her hands
we learned about stuff the nose does
(this nose would sneeze and spray you)
Then we learned about our organs
Nanny Pam learned about how we
chew our food :)
Emma worked on digesting the food
and well, we learned what that food
eventually becomes....yes...poop.
Then we went to Hooper's Store!
Emma shopped for some produce
and then checked herself out
She made a burger with Nanny Pam
Then did some stocking of the shelves
Emma learned about bugs (and didn't even cry)
She ran through the underground tunnel
Learning about animals
we learned about the beginning of life
(2 months gestation)
And in honor of Emma's upcoming birthday,
this is 7-8 month gestation!
(can you believe this is when she was born?)


rbeasley said...

That looks like so much fun! Glad you had a good time!

Anonymous said...

I had a wonderful time!
Nanny P

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Looks like fun!!