Feb 16, 2011

Remember? Reflections and Perspectives of a toddler

Yesterday, Emma turned 2 and 1/2. Recently, she started doing this "total recall" thing were she recalls events from the day. She always starts with "remember..."

Usually, I'm like "yes you did, now close your eyes, no daddy didn't like that, it's night-night time, yes we did have fun, quiet time now, yes Daisy can be naughty, no more talking, GO TO SLEEP!!!!" (you get the picture).

Last night, I realized that these little story times are an excellent way to hear if she has learned her lesson and also to hear things from her perspective. It can get pretty funny. Here is a sample from last night..

"Remember when I poopied in the potty today? I poopy in the potty...daddy poopies in the potty, mommy poopies in the potty...(insert the name of everyone she knows) poopies in the potty....and Daisy poopies in the grass....I used to poppy in my diaper...but I'm a beg gurl (big girl) now....mommy's a beg gurl, Emma's a beg gurl, Daisy is a gurl....but daddy isn't gurl....he is a big boy..NO! he's a MAAAAAN! And sometime when I jump on him, I hurt his nuts..."

The end. She learned "nuts" from her father's high pitched beg gurl screams. The real end.


Mrs.A said...

Oh, Emma, your stories always brighten my day! Justin and I both got a laugh out of that one! :)

kurt and kristi said...

that's soo funny, I love to check out the blog and see what Emma's been up too! Now that Piper's getting bigger I can only imagine what kind of stories she'll have at 2 1/2 and yes I know I need to update my blog!! miss ya!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

She cracks me up!!!