Apr 12, 2011

Emma says.....

Emma has recently been requesting privacy in the bathroom. Gone are the days were she would ask me to sit next to her and read her books. Gone are the days mid-bm-chocolate milk-requests. No, actually she still does that. :) Unfortunately, I still have a hard time showering, brushing my teeth or doing anything in the bathroom alone. Also, when I've waited to the last possible moment before peeing my pants, she insists that I put her potty seat on and SHE gets to go FIRST. Last night we talked about how all people like to have privacy when they are in the bathroom, to do lots of things.

Me: Emma you know how you like for mommy to "leave you alone" or "go away" (her words) when you are going poopy?
Emma: Yes, because I have to think hard and go like this (squints eyebrows, serious face, grunts).
Me: Yes, I know. Well mommy also likes to be in the bathroom alone too.
Emma: OH! Okay mommy. I will shut the door. Call me when you are done, and I will wipe your butt. (Hey it wasn't exactly what I was going for, but at least she left)

15 seconds later I hear....
Dan: where's mom
Emma: oh mommy's in the bathroom........she's droppin' (in the deepest man voice she can muster) BOMBS!!!!

Thank you to her father for teaching her this. You all now see why I feel madly in love with him.


Kurt & Kristi said...

Some day when you're old and gray and can't wipe your own butt, make sure you remind her that she offered to do a long time ago!!!! hahaha

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

That is the best - I love it!!!

rbeasley said...

Oh my gosh! I love this! Too funny!