Apr 15, 2011

Emma says.....

Picking up Emma from school (in the car).

Emma: When you go potty you have leave your panties on your legs. Okay Mommy? (totally random)
Me: Uhh? Okaaay!
Emma: You don't take off your pants or your panties.
Me: ...that's....right.....?
Emma: You don't flush your panties down the potty mommy.
Me: (oh no) Did you flush your panties in the potty at school today Emma?
Emma: Yes! I! DID!.....but, I won't do it again, okay mommy? Don't worry mommy. It's okay.
Me: (okay don't worry, it probably clogged the toilet...why is it okay?) why emma?
Emma: I'm wearing my spare panties. Don't worry. I'm wearing panties.

This is why I bring Emma's teachers doughnuts on a weekly basis.


Emily said...

I love this age....questions and all! Have a great week!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...


Kristin said...

hahaha..too funny! :)