Feb 11, 2012

A Surprise for Everyone...

Myself included! What a wonderful, unexpected, and unbelievable surprise. We are all doing well. Except for me. I feel like death. I hear that is a good thing. It doesn't feel like a good thing. Baby Riggs is due Aug 25, 2012 and will be grounded for life if he/she comes even one day early!

Now I leave you with a little insight into our lives:
The Happy Parents-to-be: Emma! We have a surprise for you!
Emma: What?! I love surprises (sits on the couch, hands folded, eagerly awaiting her gift)
The Happy Parents-to-be: We are going to have a new baby! YOU are going to be a big sister (following 6 months of baby and big sister requests from Emma)
Emma: That is a TERRIBLE SURPRISE!!!! (totally irritated)
Dan to me: Well, that was different from what I envisioned in my head.

at least she has some time to warm up to the idea :) so far baby cannot sleep in our house or play with Emma's toys.

Me: Emma, do you think Daisy will like a new baby?
Emma: Not if we get a bad grumpy baby that chews her toys.