Feb 11, 2012

A Surprise for Everyone...

Myself included! What a wonderful, unexpected, and unbelievable surprise. We are all doing well. Except for me. I feel like death. I hear that is a good thing. It doesn't feel like a good thing. Baby Riggs is due Aug 25, 2012 and will be grounded for life if he/she comes even one day early!

Now I leave you with a little insight into our lives:
The Happy Parents-to-be: Emma! We have a surprise for you!
Emma: What?! I love surprises (sits on the couch, hands folded, eagerly awaiting her gift)
The Happy Parents-to-be: We are going to have a new baby! YOU are going to be a big sister (following 6 months of baby and big sister requests from Emma)
Emma: That is a TERRIBLE SURPRISE!!!! (totally irritated)
Dan to me: Well, that was different from what I envisioned in my head.

at least she has some time to warm up to the idea :) so far baby cannot sleep in our house or play with Emma's toys.

Me: Emma, do you think Daisy will like a new baby?
Emma: Not if we get a bad grumpy baby that chews her toys.


Mrs.A said...

Yay! Congratulations!! :D :D :D

Evie just became a big cousin, and she isn't taking it very well either. She is the first grandchild on my side, so she is used to getting ALL the attention. She told my mom to put baby Isla down on the floor!

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Again, super excited for you all - Congratulations!!!

I love Emma :) Her response cracks me up! She is going to be a great big sister.

Emily said...

YAY! Congrats to ALL of you! Emma is too funny:)

Kristin said...

Congrats!! How exciting!!! :)

Kurt & Kristi said...

LOL, oh Emma you crack me up!! love the pick of baby that you posted, it looks like he/she is sucking her thumb!! can wait for pics and more Emma humor!! love you!! :)