May 16, 2012

The Sweet Life

On Saturday I was feeling really good!  Like, "make hay while the sun is shinning" good.  I have days with a lot of contractions followed by days of few contractions.  No rhyme or reason or prediction.  So farmer Emma and I headed to Huber's Family Farm to pick strawberries (Dan had to work=meh!).  Along with picking fruit, Huber's also has a mini play land for parent's to spend money kids to enjoy.  Enjoy the pictures!

All of the "big" strawberries went into Emma's crate.  All the not
so awesome berries went into mine.

Despite multiple warnings that there would be "no potty" in the field, 
the little girl who "didn't have to pee" had to pee 5 seconds after we got
there....Thank goodness for fields with tall grass!

Emma and her crop! ($9=a steal!) 

Next, Emma enjoyed a wagon ride...(she sat on 
one pony for about 2 minutes)..

then she went down the barn slide until my threats of abandonment finally
started to sound serious. 

..then she dominated the "big bouncy slide"

screamed "Yahooooo!" each time ($1 per yahoo) 

and enjoyed some yummy berries with our fried chicken take out lunch
when we got home. 

Little sister had fun too, not getting bear hugged
all day long by my overly affectionate uterus.  
25 weeks 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you!
Stay strong.

And just a passing thought
"Rayleigh Sage Riggs"

Aunt TT