Jul 31, 2012

Numbers Numbers Numbers

Lots of numbers coming your way...

Today, I am 36w3d and I weigh (yeah right)

This little gal is weighing right around 6lb 5oz 
Me:  Emma what do you think about baby sister's picture?
Emma:  WOW!  She looks SCARY!  

1 game of Peekaboo:  Hands covering face.  You can see a smile and
and little nose under her hands.
0:  the number of cookies Emma shared with Daisy

 and most importantly 1:  the number of centimeters I am dilated.  Bring. It. On.

Jul 24, 2012

Lucky #16

Today was my last last shot.  My doctor seems to view this pregnancy as a personal challenge for how long she can keep me pregnant more than anything else.  Me?  Well, I feel like I'm 3 weeks past due!  As such, she made me get another shot (even after 2 other doctors said no more).  I wanted to argue with her, but I didn't.  The fact is, I will be forever grateful for her dedicated care to me and this baby.

So here is lucky #16.  It didn't hurt..much.  When I got back to work, I spent an hour googling how long it took other women to go into labor after their last shot :)  I see 7-10 days as an average.  Of course there are those lucky one who go a few days later, and then there are those poor suckers  others who have to be induced.  INDUCED!  Can you imagine?  I'll go bananas.  B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

18 gauge needle containing
1mL progesterone in sesame oil.
(feels awesome)

Next Tuesday (36w3d), I will have another ultrasound to see how big baby is!

Jul 21, 2012

Edema. You heard of it?

I didn't really want to wear my rings anyway.
These sausages fingers actually look good in comparison to my ankles.
The count down has begun!  Just 35 more days until my due date.....why does that seem like an eternity?!?
I'm getting anxious now.  Still VERY THANKFUL to be 35 weeks today and HOPEFUL of having a "take home" baby!

Jul 7, 2012

Belly Progression..

14 weeks
 20 weeks
 24 weeks
 30 weeks
 33 weeks

33 weeks!

...and SWOLLEN (note the ankles).  Dan recommends that I stay away from stripes in the future!
(how very brave of him)

Here is my almost 4yr old trying to stay cool in the
106 degree heat.

 sprinkler time!

Jul 4, 2012

In the midst of a meltdown...

Me:  Emma, WHAT is wrong?  All we asked you to do was to put on your pjs.
Emma (screaming, wiggling around the the floor, kicking feet, crying):  I'm TRYING to be good, but my brain isn't working!!

Translation:  OVER TIRED