Jul 24, 2012

Lucky #16

Today was my last last shot.  My doctor seems to view this pregnancy as a personal challenge for how long she can keep me pregnant more than anything else.  Me?  Well, I feel like I'm 3 weeks past due!  As such, she made me get another shot (even after 2 other doctors said no more).  I wanted to argue with her, but I didn't.  The fact is, I will be forever grateful for her dedicated care to me and this baby.

So here is lucky #16.  It didn't hurt..much.  When I got back to work, I spent an hour googling how long it took other women to go into labor after their last shot :)  I see 7-10 days as an average.  Of course there are those lucky one who go a few days later, and then there are those poor suckers  others who have to be induced.  INDUCED!  Can you imagine?  I'll go bananas.  B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

18 gauge needle containing
1mL progesterone in sesame oil.
(feels awesome)

Next Tuesday (36w3d), I will have another ultrasound to see how big baby is!

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