Aug 13, 2012

Sisterly Love

You might recall that on August 4th, Emma confidently announced that her baby sister would be born in "5 days."  You may have also noticed that she was right! (currently trying to get the winning lottery numbers now...)  Since we brought Mila home yesterday Emma lives and breathes nothing but her sister.  She wants to hold her, feed her, "wipe her cute little butt," put her in every swing and bouncer seat we own, dress her in all of her clothes (in one day), make her laugh, and pet her head (not so gently).  We are all wondering when the novelty will wear off. Daisy was over the baby in 1 second.  In fact, she looked a little mad at us when we brought her home :)

The coolest, calmest baby ever.  Thank You Universe.

Emma meet Mila for the first time.  She was little scared of her

 Holding her sister for the first time and not getting scared
 Super Proud Big Sister
 There might be a shiny new baby in this picture, but all I can think of when I look at this is how beautiful 
my first baby is and how much I missed her when I was in the hospital.  That was the longest we have ever
been apart.  
 Welcome Mila!
 "This crazy place is exactly why I didn't want to come out!"

 "My big sister says you are tool (cool)"
 My two silly girls

 "They say I have crazy hair..They are just jealous"
 Home coming!  Complete with sign, dinner, desert, flowers
and a well looked after Emma.  Thanks Nanny!!
Just like her big sister, Mila has a touch of jaundice
"glow worm"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh they both are so super special. so glad you had Karen there to help.

can't wait so see you all
love Nanny Pam