Sep 17, 2012

Mila 5 weeks stats

Today I took Mila to the pediatrician for her 1 month (5 weeks really) visit.  They checked her height and weight (she was a slow grower in the beginning) and gave her the 2nd hepatitis B vaccine.  On our way up to the office, I stepped onto the elevator and the woman next to me starting yelling, "lady get OFF this elevator! Get out!  Get out NOW!"  I'm sure my eyes were as big as saucers, and you better believe I did exactly as I was told (crazy lady!).  It turns out she had shingles and was just trying to protect baby Mila.  A little overboard, but much appreciated :)

weight:  9lb, 12 oz (50th percentile)
heights: 20.5 in   (25th percentile)

While Emma barely noticed her shots at this age, Mila did.  She screamed out and cried hysterically.  I'm not sure I've ever seen a baby stick her bottom lip out so far.  She would calm down only to remember and start crying again.  Emma was so happy it was Mila and not her (yes, she said that).

And I now leave you with two different quotes about my fair Mila from this week:
#1.  "My god, how did you manage to clone Dan two times?"
#2.  "It's just not fair!  You did all the work, and they pop out looking like him"

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