Aug 6, 2007

My Guitar Hero!

Just because we have no musical talent between the two of us doesn't mean we can't pretend! After playing this ridiculously fun game at a friend's over the weekend, Dan rushed out Saturday morning and picked up "Guitar Hero II." I have to say, the fun this game provides makes up for any shame associated with playing with a pretend guitar at the ages of 27 and 26! Of course my competitive nature has taken control of me and I now only live for beating Dan's scores. This also gives us a lot to talk about. We actually talk about our "Guitar Hero strategies" in the car. Yes, I did actually just write that.....don't judge us! This picture does not do this game justice. Specifically, you can't see Dan using the whammy bar or tilting the guitar for extra points. Give us a call if you want to the pros to school you with a little Free Bird!


Max Fam said...

Matt says this is picture of Dan is so hot.

The Riggs said...

It's the guitar :)

A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

Playing guitar hero at Dan and Krista's was the most fun ever.