Sep 30, 2008
Wanted: Cure for Nocturnal Child
Sep 28, 2008
Sunday Pics
"You want me to sleep the WHOLE night?"
Sleeping beauty
Not a morning person! Emma doesn't like to wake up ever! (except for when I'm trying to say take a shower and she is supposed to be sleeping!)
Sep 26, 2008
6 weeks!
Sep 25, 2008
GrOw BaBy GrOw!
No word yet on when she will be getting her first RSV shot and we are really ready to get out of the house! I get so excited to take Emma to the dr because she actually gets to go somewhere! I tried to dress her cute today but she refuses to be my show pony. These are the best pics I got. Three seconds after I snapped these the headband and shoes came off!
Sep 23, 2008
So we meet again!
In other news, today I would have been 38 weeks pregnant with 2 weeks or less to go. Instead, our Emma is almost 6 weeks old (Friday) and weighing about 8 pounds now. Today I went for my first postpartum block jog followed by walking :) It's hard to believe I was running 10 miles at a time and training for the mini-marathon when I found out I was pregnant. Now I can barely walk to the mailbox without getting tired. I still have 9 of the 40 pounds I gained to lose and they aren't coming off as fast as the others. Any suggestions?? Please don't suggest giving up dairy! I love it too much.
Daisy and I share a common love for cheese (see the video below for our cheese celebration!) It's short and a little dark but I think you'll get the idea!
Sep 21, 2008
Best Buds
Sep 20, 2008
Here's one for mastercard!
Cost of ambulance transfer to hospital #2 $500
Cost of high risk delivery at hospital #2 $10,850
Cost of 3 weeks in neonatal intensive care $75,000
Cost of post-delivery surgery $5,000
Grand total $93,500 and counting..
Cost of bringing home baby PRICELESS!
(Also, priceless is having health insurance to pick up the tab!)
Sep 18, 2008
Emma prepare yourself!
Sep 16, 2008
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness"
Sep 15, 2008
Pregnancy Updates?
What changes are occurring with your body?
If you have been measuring your uterus throughout your pregnancy, you may notice that there is little to no difference at this point (WRONG, there is a BIG difference!). Most likely you will not notice any significant weight gain from this point on. Your total weight gain should be around 25 to 35 pounds. News flash lady, I was up 40 pounds at 32 weeks. Only GOD knows if the scale would have survived me at this point! *Sam knows how much the scale read!
How big is your baby?
What should you plan for this week?
You should be finishing up childbirth classes and taking care of any other preparations for the baby. Make sure your bags are packed, and you may want to try a test run to the hospital just to be on the safe side. HA! Emma had other plans and now we are at home learning the hard way!
Sep 14, 2008
Sunday afternoon pics
Sep 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Dan!
xoxoxox Krista & Emma
Sep 12, 2008
No more dairy for the Dairy Queen
Goodbye my love! Today Emma's pediatrician ordered me off dairy in preparation to reintroducing Emma to breast milk. Just typing these words brings tears to my eyes. I was raised on a dairy farm for Pete's sake! The idea is that she may be sensitive to cow proteins and she is getting exposed via me. My hope is that she won't have anymore problems and I can once again indulge. I kid you not, our fridge is stocked with milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and ice cream and they are all screaming my name! Not to mention I apparently live with "Deputy Dairy" who is more than willing to yank the ice cream out of my hands. So far I've been off the "good stuff" for about an hour. This is worse than giving birth.
Sep 11, 2008
No Picture Today
Sep 9, 2008
36 weeks today
RSV requires no RSVP
Sep 8, 2008
Emma Update
Sep 6, 2008
one step closer...
The view from the outside (the ruffles hooked me)